Person - Vizard – Character

International Workshop

Mask Workshop
“Person – Vizard – Character”

The National Theatre of Northern Greece organizes an on-line theatre workshop for actors in the framework of the 3rd International Festival and the 20th UTE Festival. The workshop will be lead by the well-known mask constructor and set-designer Martha Foka and the mask animator and theatre director Simos Kakalas and will focus on different functions of the mask through history and the construction and use of a mask made by everyday objects. The experience of the covid pandemic and the obligatory use of masks in everyday life combined with the concept of reaching the audience again, lead to the need of investigating and reinventing the “vizard” in contemporary theatre.
The workshop “Person - Vizard – Character” attempts to approach this issues through different techniques and incorporating the experiences of all participants.
Workshop Duration: 7 days session & short on-line presentation
Duration: 1:30 hour
Workshop topics
1. History of the Mask : A brief journey from mask origins to today. Mask is diversity
2. Make the mask: With everyday objects that lie around one’s house we will transform our face
3. Live the mask: Applying basic principles and techniques to our hand made masks
4. Tell its story: Telling a story through the character I developed
5. Another type of masκ Basic animation principles on stock characters The speaking mask
6. Tell a story Improvising text and language
7. Find the audience An attempt to interact with an unsuspected audience through our masked characters Actresses and actors can apply and participate in the workshop by sending an email with their CV to: [email protected].

There is no age limit. The maximum number of participants is 15.
The workshop will be conducted in English.